Carbon Calculator

Oil Recoveries offers a comprehensive range of waste management and recycling services. Our company meets all current UK & EU regulations and has a programme of constant improvement to meet the needs of current and future legislation. Customers, regulators, and stakeholders alike are increasingly concerned with the life cycle and carbon footprint of the products they consume. Carbon-intensive industries are under particular scrutiny, this is why Oil Recoveries is committed to recycling approaches that reduce the environmental impacts of their products.
One such recycling approach, re-refining oil, avoids additional greenhouse gases (GHG) associated with extracting and processing virgin crude oil, as well as the emissions associated with alternative used oil management methods. Reducing demand for virgin oil to be extracted, refined, and shipped, avoids a significant environmental cost as most of the emissions associated with oil are released after the end of its original purpose, where traditionally it is burnt, releasing carbon into the atmosphere. Research has shown that re-refined oil has a carbon footprint 81% lower than virgin oil.

From Jan – Aug 2022, Oil Recoveries’ re-refining processes resulted in carbon savings equivalent to:

You can download the full report here and view the rest of Oil Recoveries Ltd’s official policy and certification documentation here.